National Provider Identifier

What is the National Provider Identifier?

The National Provider Identifier (NPI) is the standard unique health identifier (ID) for healthcare providers. This ID will replace the use of legacy provider IDs such as the UPIN, Medicare Provider Number, Medicaid Provider Number, etc. when required in the HIPAA mandated transactions.

What is the purpose of the NPI?

  • To simplify billing by using a standard provider ID when submitting electronic transactions to various payers
  • To no longer use different IDs for contract arrangements or locations
  • To speed up COB payments

NPI Information

CMS provides all the latest NPI news for healthcare providers, including a section for Medicare Fee-For-Service providers with helpful information about Medicare NPI implementation, FAQs, educational resources, and more.

Visit the NPI website

Free National NPI Number Registry

The Free National NPI Number Registry allows you to search, verify or add an NPI number.

Free National NPI Number Registry